Why house shares are becoming a popular accommodation option for university students in Leeds

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Why house shares are becoming a popular accommodation option for university students in Leeds

Why house shares are becoming a popular accommodation option for university students in Leeds

Sep 21, 2023 09:09 am Published by

So, you might have noticed that there's been a bit of a change in the way students choose to live after their first year in university halls over the last few years. It's all about house shares now, and there are some pretty awesome reasons behind this shift. Let's dive in and explore why these shared living spaces are gaining popularity and how they can make your life better!


First off, we can't ignore the elephant in the room: the rising cost of living. Rent, utilities, and the general price of things have been climbing steadily, making it tough to afford your own place. But fear not! House shares come to the rescue by letting you split those expenses with your housemates. Plus, most house shares include all those pesky bills, so you won't have to stress about budgeting for them separately. All rentinc house shares come inclusive of gas, water, electricity, Wi-Fi, gardening and contents insurance!! 

Now, here's another biggie – the desire to live with others while still having your own little haven. We get it; we all crave companionship and a sense of belonging, especially when we're new to a city or just starting university or a job. That's where house shares shine! You can bond with like-minded folks and build friendships, making you feel more connected and less like you're on your own. But if you ever need some "me time," just head to your private locked bedroom for a breather. 

But wait, there's more! House shares offer some nifty perks for both students and professionals. Imagine this: you don't have to tackle all those household chores alone. Cleaning, cooking, and all that jazz can be a group effort, saving you time and reducing stress. Less hassle, more time for fun, work, or studying – sounds pretty sweet, right? 

Oh, and here's the cherry on top – all our rentinc house shares come fully furnished and decked out with everything you need. Perfect if you're new in town or don't want to lug around furniture and appliances. We've got house shares for undergrads, postgrads, and professionals across Leeds, in the hottest spots. Each one's been spruced up to high standards, and we offer a competitive all-inclusive package, so you can focus on what really matters. 

So, are you thinking of giving house shares a shot for 2023/24? Well, we're here to help! Give us a ring at 0113 220 0040 or shoot us an email at info@rentinc.co.uk. Our experienced team is ready to assist. See you in your future awesome house share! 

This post was written by Maisie