Our tips on making friends at uni
Sep 29, 2023 12:47 pm
While you may worry about getting out of your comfort zone and meeting new people during your first few weeks at uni, there’s also so much fun to be had. So, whether you love late night hang outs, or you prefer a cosy night in with a takeaway and film, we have a few tips to make sure you make some friends in no time.
Join Facebook groups beforehand
Social media is an amazing starting point for finding friends at uni. The quickest way to find people at your uni or even on your course, is to jump straight into Facebook groups for new students. Usually, it’s really easy to find specific groups related to your course, student accommodation, or university in general – all of which are the best way to e-meet people and find connections with people you could be spending the next 3-5 years with. It can also be comforting knowing there are a bunch of you tackling that daunting first day of uni together!
Enjoy freshers
A LOT is happening in freshers week, (which is always usually longer than a week) and it’s a great time to try out all the fun activities that your university has put on, and to bond with people you’ve just met. Just so you know, Freshers isn’t all about partying- there are loads of different events that are planned ranging from yoga to walking tours. The best advise we can give is to not overthink it and just turn up, what’s the worst that can happen?
Try and speak to everyone on your course
When you first start university you may naturally want to just sit at the back and let people come to you, however that might not always be the case. So, it’s a great idea to speak to people around you and ask questions that might pop -up in your mind. You can always start by asking about a specific course, their interests, or their favourite TV show, who knows- you might end up becoming best friends! And remember, no question is ever foolish, so don’t hesitate to strike a communication that may help you in creating opportunities for enhancing your group of friends. At the same time, if you love some alone time, go for it and don’t feel guilty at all. In fact, it could be a great way to recharge yourself and come back with the best version of yourself.
Join societies at your university
Universities are widely known for their vast array of societies that any student can join during their studies. Groups can range from football, board games, reading or cooking societies- each bringing together students from different courses. This is a great way to get to know people who you may otherwise walk by in the uni hallway! It’s also usually really easy to make friends with people who have similar interests and hobbies.
Pro Tip: Being in extracurricular activities may get you the job of your dreams and looks good on your CV too.
Invite people out for lunch
Sometimes old school is best! A really good way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and make yourself known in your first few weeks is to organise social lunches, either on campus or somewhere in the city. It’s a great opportunity to feel connected to people on your course, and it also pushes other people out of their comfort zone too- which they will thank you for!
Join a house share
One solid way of making friends during university is to live in a house share. A house share is where you live with people who are a similar age to you, and you share communal areas like the living room, kitchen and toilets. It’s the perfect way to form bonds outside of your uni course, however you still have a level of independence and privacy with your own bedroom. There is an endless list of things you can do with your house mates, like late night pizza parties, games nights, or just all getting out together for a walk to blow away the cobwebs. House shares are often cheaper too, and all bills are included!
If you are looking for student accommodation in Leeds, rentinc have a range of house shares in all the best student hot spots in Leeds. We have also recently opened up 2 Winstanley Terrace as a new undergraduate house share, available now! For just £129.99 per person per week, you can live alongside seven other like-minded people with amenities such as a garden, TV, double bedroom, dishwasher and x3 bathrooms.
Adjusting into university life doesn’t mean that you entirely change as a person in order to fit in. You must stick to who you are as an individual while trying to adjust with certain changes that life throws at you. Always remember that true friendships do not happen overnight. It’s a process that requires patience and efforts from both sides. It’s okay to feel lonely and scared, also take that time to become better friends with yourself.
This post was written by Iqra Amanat