Packing tips and tricks – Getting ready for the big move

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Packing tips and tricks – Getting ready for the big move

Packing tips and tricks – Getting ready for the big move

Aug 29, 2022 11:57 am Published by

It’s official! A new journey in your life is about to begin. Life at uni is an amazing experience, and you will learn new things as well as make mistakes. Late-night pizza parties, hanging out around the city, and singing and dancing into the early hours of the morning are what’s to come. But while this is exciting, we understand that moving your life to a different city can be really daunting. However, Rentinc have you sorted with our pain- free packing tips… 


Packing for uni is not a good time to be a procrastinator! We recommend getting comfy, and jotting down a long list of things you may need when at uni. It may be easier to go through your day from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, and jot down all the items you use in between! Once you have made the list and prioritised, it should make the process super easy from here on!  


The key to happy packing is organisation! Save yourself from unnecessary stress, find a quiet corner in a room, and gather everything together in one dedicated place. 


How would you feel if one of your favourite shirts that you chose to wear on the first day of uni gets spoiled? Terrible! So always pack your liquid items separately, far away from your clothes and other important electrical items, and don’t forget to seal your liquids tightly. 


You’re heading towards a new beginning, right? Why not keep everything fresh just like your journey ahead. Take the essentials like fabric conditioner, or scented drawer liners, and keep your clothes smelling sweet. 


Imperfections are beautiful but imperfect clothes are not! Here’s a tip: Keep all your heavy items at the bottom of your case and pack the lighter items on top, tucked in well at the sides. You can also roll your clothes neatly, and you won’t be needing an iron upon your arrival. 


Labelling is in right now, and it happens to be super handy! You can label by room, important documents, or even just so you don’t forget what you’ve packed. It’s a great idea to give names or labels to all your items. Just save your energy guys! 


 The freshers’ flu phenomenon can surprise you, so it’s a good idea to pack a first-aid kit alongside medication to have on hand in case you or your flatmates get sick. It’s also important to register with a GP practice nearby, as you never know when you may need the doctor! 


Before you leave home, always remember to make a separate file inclusive of all the important documents like the acceptance letter, roll number slip, educational degrees, certain uni documentation, your passport, and other forms of ID. We know.. It’s boring, but it’ll save you a headache when you get there!  


Choose your essential wardrobe items smartly. Avoid over-stuffing your bags with clothes, because when you get to uni mum won’t be there to sort them! As you usually make the big move when it’s warm, start with packing your summer wardrobe. Sunnies? Check. Denim shorts? Check. Your fav summer sandals? Check!  


It’s important to bring a separate and distinctive cutlery set, a few plates, a set of cups, and your pots and pans to avoid any arguing over who took what and who didn’t wash up. This way you’ll be fully prepared to cook a meal that reminds you of home. 


Whether you have your own en-suite or share a communal bathroom with your flatmates, you will need to bring your own towels. It’s a good idea to bring quite a few, so when your washing pile grows you won’t be caught short! You will also need to bring basic toiletries such as a toothbrush and toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo, soap – Basically anything you use at home. Additional organisers and storage are also a great idea to keep your bathroom tidy and clean!  


Home isn’t a place, it is a feeling. To feel at home completely, make sure that your room is a positive environment. Why not take some home comforts with you? These items aren’t exactly essentials, but we can almost guarantee that you’ll want them for your new room, to give it that touch of home. Whether it’s photos, a particular cushion, a teddy, a blanket, fairy lights, or just something special to you, these little bits and pieces can help you feel at home and make the place look cosy! 


Just remember, Rentinc are THE hassle- free student accommodation provider, so if you have any questions when you’re making the big move please get in touch with your Property Manager. Happy packing! 

This post was written by Iqra Amanat