Four Easy Changes You Can Make At Home To Save £££
Aug 29, 2022 11:59 am
The littlest of changes to your everyday routine can have a surprising effect on your usage of energy, and this of course leads to the amount you spend each month. These changes shouldn’t affect your life too much, but could have a drastic impact on your pocket! Keep reading to find out the 4 main changes you could make…
Everyday tasks
The biggest change could be banning your tumble dryer all together! These things are money guzzlers- so we suggest either hanging your washing out on a line, or even a drying rack. Be careful not to put your wet clothes on radiators however, as this is a sure way to attract mould and damp.
Other changes we suggest is to use lids on saucepans (to keep the heat in and cook your food quicker) and only boiling the kettle with the amount of water you will actually be needing!
We all love to be cosy and warm of an evening when watching TV, but with bills skyrocketing, we have some tips on how we can reduce the amount we are spending on heating a year.
Reports show that turning the heating down just two degrees, and having a longer summer period of no heating at all can save up to £300 a year!
Simple changes like having slightly shorter shower, shallower baths, and using less water to wash dishes can all make a big difference to your pocket at the end of the year. We all know to turn the water off when brushing our teeth, but less obvious changes like investing in an efficient shower head could save you more than £50 a year.
Ever leave your laptop on change overnight? Well this can lead to wasted energy, as your laptop usually fully charges within an hour. This is the same for your phone, so make sure you don’t leave charging items for longer than needed! Turning off things like your TV and Playstation can help save the pennies, as electrical items being on standby can cost you a lot more than you would think…
This post was written by Iqra Amanat