The Top Things To Do When You Come Home After Christmas Break

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The Top Things To Do When You Come Home After Christmas Break

The Top Things To Do When You Come Home After Christmas Break

Aug 30, 2022 01:58 pm Published by

The excitement of Christmas has gone and you’re heading back to university. Your student accommodation is waiting for you in Leeds but what should you do when you get back? First things first, make a cup of tea and put those Christmas presents away. Secondly, check a few of the following things so you can make sure your all inclusive student housing is all in order… 

Ensure All Your Locks And Windows Are Tamper Free 

Everything might look safe in your house, but can you be sure that it’s still secure? Have a quick look around any doors or windows to make sure they’re locked. If you do see something that doesn’t look right, let someone at rentinc know so we can make sure everything is safe for you. 


Check Your Pipes Are Not Burst 

You’ll probably be able to tell if your pipes have burst. It easily happens in winter with the changing temperatures so it’s always a good idea to give your house the once over before switching on any taps! 

Remove Any Out Of Date Food From The Fridge 

We know what it’s like living in student accommodation. Everyone has their food in the same fridge and items can easily live in there for weeks, if not months. After the Christmas break is the perfect time to get organised by removing out of date food from the fridge. It might be a good idea to check with your housemates before you throw anything away but you’ll be able to go into your fridge knowing that everything is good to eat. 

Have Any Urgent Bills Come Through The Post? 

Living in all inclusive student housing means that you don’t have to worry about bills – we take care of that for you! But, you may have other bills to pay that we don’t look after. Your mobile phone bill, for example, or your Spotify account. Even things like bank statements might have come through the post over Christmas. So double check everything is in order with your post when you get back to your student accommodation. 


Put Your Heating On 

Unless someone left your heating on low throughout the Christmas break, your house is more than likely going to be cold. Turn up the temperature and make your student accommodation the cosy, comfortable place it should be. 

Do you do anything else when you get back home after Christmas? Let us know over on Twitter! If you need help with your all inclusive student housing after Christmas, rentinc are here to help with your student accommodation. 

This post was written by Iqra Amanat