Staying safe on a Student Night in Leeds

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Staying safe on a Student Night in Leeds

Staying safe on a Student Night in Leeds

Aug 30, 2022 04:11 pm Published by

Leeds is one of the UK’s most popular student cities thanks to its friendly people and the fact it’s brimming with culture and entertainment. As a city, Leeds is no more dangerous than any other, however there are a few precautions that can be taken to ensure you remain safe and get to enjoy the best student accommodation Leeds side of what this fabulous place has to offer. 

Beware the pickpockets! 

Whilst Leeds is not akin to La Rambla in Barcelona as far as pickpockets are concerned, there are areas of the city which are more prone to theft than others. In 2014, Call Lane was revealed as the worst road in the UK for thefts and robberies, amassing close to a 1,000 incidents over a three year period. 

Outsmart the thieves by keeping phones, wallets and all other valuables locked up and out of sight. Register your smartphone and other possessions with Immobilise, who work with the police to bring justice to criminals. 

Cover your drinks 

Drink spiking is a scary phenomenon which sadly doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. Usually involving drugs such as GHB or Rohypnol, these liquid substances can often go undetected until the effects have kicked in, so prevention is the key. Never leave your drink unattended and always keep it covered, especially when walking through crowded bars. 

Try to avoid having drinks bought for you by strangers, and always stick with your friends.  A large proportion of women who have been spiked have been rescued from further harm by their friends. If you suspect you have been spiked, act quickly to get help and identify the perpetrator as you may only have 15-20 minutes before you become incoherent. 

Don’t drink and drown 

The River Aire that runs around various parts of the city provides a pleasant backdrop to many of Leeds’ homes and bars, but it can also be deadly. Several people fall in each year and sadly, most never make it back out alive. The majority of cases involve people that have drunk too much alcohol and have found themselves alone and disorientated walking along the river edge. 

The best way to avoid this is to familiarise yourself with the city and avoid walking home along the river. Always make sure your friends get home safely, especially if they are new to the city and try to drink more responsibly. Whilst more railings have been erected along the River Aire in recent years, there are still many pathways which remain unprotected. 

Other tips on keeping safe 

  • Only use licenced taxis, such as Amber Cars or Uber. 

  • Always drink responsibly as alcohol lessens your common sense considerably. 

  • Stick with your friends and make sure they all get home safely. 

  • Avoid quieter, unlit streets on the outskirts of the city centre. 

  • Preserve your mobile phone battery on nights out by switching off power draining features. 

  • If you’re going out alone to meet a date, always tell your friends when and where you’re going and meet them in a bar or crowded area. 

This post was written by Iqra Amanat