Our guide to Movember
Aug 30, 2022 02:39 pm
Each year when November comes around, clean shaven men from all over the world unite for Movember and start their moustache growing journey to see who can become the hairiest of them all. Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on a global scale in an effort to change the face of men’s health, raising vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer. For those of you planning to get involved this year’s Movember, we bring you the top five ‘taches’ (and beards) of all time. On your marks, get set, grow.
The Handlebar
Top of the charts, it has to be the Handlebar – think Mario and Luigi and you’re half way there. This style needs to be long and bushy enough to achieve upward pointing ends, which requires patience due to the need for stringent styling and maintenance. For those of you with big personalities, there’s no limit to how big those handle bars can be. Check out the ultimate growing guide over at The Art of Manliness, and get started on your statement piece of facial hair.
The Sparrow
Taking inspiration from the famous Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, this look involves growing a goatee long enough to make into two braided strands as well as an unconnected moustache. It isn’t a conventional choice, and definitely can’t be called an easy option, but it might suit the more eccentric of growers. Definitely one for those wanting to channel their inner pirate this Movember.
The Chin Curtain (A.K.A. The Lincoln)
For those of you looking for a real challenge this Movember, the Chin Curtain is definitely the one for you. It takes some serious growing power and involves cultivating a beard that stems from the side burns, and flows down the jawline. It might take a while to get going, as you’ll need to get it long enough to completely cover the chin like a curtain. Be warned, this one is not for amateurs and may induce plenty of itchiness.
The simple, wild and unkempt beard (A.K.A. The Alan)
If you’re a student looking for a no hassle, low maintenance, just rolled out of bed beard, then this is the one for you. Made famous by Crazy Alan in the hit movie The Hangover, channel your inner wild child as you don this messy, grizzly look. It takes little to no maintenance as the bushy, unkempt nature of this beard means you don’t need to trim or tidy overgrown areas. Perfect for students, this beard just means you don’t shave for a month.
The Stubble Effect (Or ‘The Safe Option’)
For those of you who are required to be a little more conservative (we understand some of you will have jobs to attend) the stylish designer stubble is a great option to stay smart but still take part in the fun. It might seem simple, but maintaining smart, attractive stubble isn’t easy. Keep a trimmer or razor handy on a morning to make sure you keep it trimmed and in shape. Check out this guide, and follow the lead of Hollywood star Ryan Gosling with this guide on maintaining your faded stubble look. One part gruff, one part groomed, this one’s for everyone!
If you want to find out more about taking part in Movember visit the official site now: http://uk.movember.com/
This post was written by Iqra Amanat