Life Hacks: Winter Game-Changers
Aug 30, 2022 10:01 am
It’s official – winter is almost here. We had a great summer, so we can’t really complain, and winter can be a lovely season… But let’s face it, the thought of cold mornings, runny noses and dark nights isn’t exactly appealing. To try and make the downsides of winter a little more bearable, we’ve come up with some game-changing life hacks that will get you through.
Invest in a radiator rail
You’ve just done your washing and need to get it dried, but it’s too cold to let it dry naturally on a clothes airer. You go to put it on the radiators… but your housemates have got in there first and now there’s no space. Great. Well, this awesome hack will solve your problem. Radiator rails hook over the radiator in your room and give you extra space to hang your wet washing so you can get everything on one radiator instead of needing 3 or 4. No one wants damp washing lying about for days, so this way, you won’t have to queue for the house radiators and you’ll get everything dried just as fast!
Use a hot water bottle
Don’t underestimate the power of a hot water bottle. Taking one to bed with you doesn’t make you an old granny – it makes you sensible! In winter, temperatures at night can easily drop below zero, and you don’t want to lie in bed, freezing. You can easily buy a hot water bottle for less than a fiver, and it’ll be money well spent. If you’re feeling super-proactive, fill it up and put it under your duvet about half an hour before getting into bed, and then when bedtime comes, you can slip into some super toasty sheets. Bliss.
Have your remedies ready
A cold can strike at any time, and when it does, you need to be ready. If you wake up feeling like death, you don’t want to have to trudge to the shop to buy cold remedies – you just want to stay in bed. This is why you need to be prepared. When you’re next out doing your weekly shop, grab cough sweets, vapor rub, cold & flu tablets… basically whatever you’ll need when you’re sick. Although being ill is never fun, you’ll thank your past self when you can easily reach into your bedside table for your remedies. You can just rest up and get Netflix on!
Take a flask
Walking to uni in winter can be a very nasty experience when it’s cold. Even if you’re wrapped up to your eyeballs, sometimes it’s just not enough. A good thing to take with you on your trek is a nice flask of tea, coffee or hot juice. Holding the flask itself will keep your hands warm, and when you drink it en-route you’ll feel a flood of inner warmth. A simple hack like this can really make a big difference!
Keep your dressing gown close
Getting out of bed during winter is one of the hardest things a human being can do. (Ok, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but it’s still horrible!) You’re snug and warm, and then your alarm goes off, and you know the cold world awaits you just outside your duvet. Unfortunately, you have to get up at some point, but you can make the whole ordeal better by planning ahead. Before you go to sleep, put your dressing gown, slippers and cosy socks right next to your bed so that when you wake up, you can drag them into bed and put them on before you even get out. This way, the cold won’t feel as bad, and getting up will feel a little easier!
In the words of Ned Stark, winter is coming. But if you try out these life hacks, the cold season will definitely be easier, and before you know it you’ll be cranking out the shorts and t-shirts once again!
This post was written by Iqra Amanat