How to make your mental health your priority in 2023

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How to make your mental health your priority in 2023

How to make your mental health your priority in 2023

Feb 09, 2023 10:30 am Published by

Here at rentinc, we aim to support our tenants through their whole tenancy. Whether that be if you have any house related issues, if you have a question about the local area, or if you just want to pop in for a coffee and a chat. We’ll be there for you, with a smile on our face! We believe 2023 is the year where you should be putting your mental health before anything else, and here’s how…


If it’s out of your hands, get it out of your head


It seems an increasing number of us worry about issues that are completely out of our control, and for what? The mind is a powerful tool, and it’s important to take good care of it. If you are constantly worrying about things that are out of your hands, chances are your mental health will suffer. In life, there will be issues that affect us and are out of our hands. In this instance, we suggest thinking practically:


1.     Focus your energy on enhancing/ improving another element of your life

2.     Take a look at the bigger picture (is it really that much of an issue?)

3.     If you are able to, cut ties with people/ things that may make you feel this way


Practise social media ‘time outs’ 

One of the hardest parts about self-care and improving your mental health is disconnecting yourself from the outside world. Social media is a huge part of most peoples’ lives now a days, and it can be tough to take a step back without feeling left out. A few seconds of scrolling can show your friends on a night out, strangers being spoilt on their birthday, and your ex on another romantic date… doesn’t sound all that fun anymore, does it? It’s important to know that social media is only a 1% window into someone’s life, and they will most likely only be positing the best parts! 

Smart phones now a days have ‘App Limits’ where you can limit the time you spend on your phone or certain apps, along with Screen Time which allows you to keep track of how much you’re on your phone. So next time you’re caught up in someone else’s online world, take a step back, close your apps, and do something YOU want to do.  


Ride the waves


Your mental health may not be stable all of the time, and that’s ok! In fact… it’s very normal. Sometimes you may feel on top of the world and everything is going your way, sometimes you may feel very low and struggle to do the most basic of tasks, and sometimes you just may feel a bit lost. Here at rentinc, we’re big fans of the saying ‘May the flowers remind us why the rain is necessary’, as it reminds us that without the low points in life, it difficult to see the high points.


Make more time for the things you love


Life can be heavy sometimes, whether it be full of uni work and deadlines, to your professional job and commuting. It’s important to still make time to do the things you love- they don’t even need to cost you money! It could be as simple as getting into bed earlier and reading a book for an hour, watching your favourite TV show, cooking your favourite meal more regularly, or just going for an evening walk with a friend you’ve not seen in a while. It’s a skill to be able to enjoy the little things in life, and it’s something we highly recommend trying. 


Ask for help


Now this is the hard part… for so many people, asking for help is nearly impossible. Whether it be a friend, a colleague at work, a tutor at your university, or even a stranger on the other side of a helpline- a problem shared is a problem halved. Talking through your worries or issues is a form of therapy in itself, and you might even find that the person you’re speaking to relates in some way, or shares their own experiences. Here are some mental health services you may find useful:


SHOUT provides free, confidential, 24/7 text message support in the UK for anyone who is struggling to cope and anyone in crisis. Text SHOUT to 85258. This service is free on all major mobile networks.

Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide) provides advice and support for young people who feel like they want to take their own life, and all their advice is confidential. Call their HOPELineUK on: 0800 068 41 41 or text: 07786 209687 (lines are open every day from 9am to midnight).


Nightline offers a directory of confidential and non-judgemental support services run for students by students across the UK.


Mindwell is a Leeds based mental health website with information on how to take care of yourself as well as services and groups within Leeds to support you through your situation.


Samaritans are available 24/7 and offer a free anonymous non-judgemental listening service. They can be reached by phone on 116 123 or via email at Download their app to keep track of how you’re feeling or for recommendations and self help advice.


The Mix offers a free helpline for young people under 25 between 4pm – 11pm. Call 0808 808 4994 or you can email or text the Crisis Messenger service 24/7.


Young Minds Crisis Messenger provides free crisis support and links to a range of support options.


Kooth offers an online mental wellbeing community for 10-25 year olds.

This post was written by Maisie