Get to know team Rentinc
Sep 01, 2022 01:53 pm
They’re our property gurus with A*s in student living. Our very own fab five. They know Leeds inside out and back to front. And it turns out they’re a pretty interesting bunch too.
Cue confessions, obsessions and insider tips from team Rentinc…
Jessica Wilkinson: Assistant Branch Manager
Q: Favourite food spot in Leeds?
A: I’ve been really into The Cosy Club recently.
Q: We’ve all made a housemate faux pas before! Would you like to confess to anything?
A: When I was at university I was the house mate who used to use other people’s stuff without asking and eat their food. Worst of all I never admitted it and always blamed somebody else. Got away with it though!
Q: What’s the last thing you binge watched?
A: Gossip Girl! I’ve watched the entire box set five times and I’m currently on season six again. Obsessed much.
Q: What’s your spirit animal?
A: A wolf. I always trust my instincts and have a pretty ‘lone wolf’ personality.
Tom Stokes: Property Consultant
Q: Favourite food spot in Leeds?
A: Iberica. There tapas is something else.
Q: We’ve all made a housemate faux pas before! Would you like to confess to anything?
A: I hid in my mate’s wardrobe and jumped out not knowing that he had company…
Q: What’s the last thing you binge watched?
A: The Office (US)
Q: What’s your spirit animal?
A: A shark because I meet life with a full on approach.
Ruta Ubeikaite: Property Consultant
Q: Favourite food spot in Leeds?
A: My Thai. I would never say no to noodles.
Q: We’ve all made a housemate faux pas before! Would you like to confess to anything?
A: I changed the Wi-Fi password and just watched everyone panic until someone eventually figured out what had happened.
Q: What’s the last thing you binge watched?
A: The TV series Love. I was so into it that. I finished watching all three seasons in less than a week.
Q: What’s your spirit animal?
A: A starfish. Likes to eat, is relaxed and cute!
Alistair Adams: Property Negotiator
Q: Favourite food spot in Leeds?
A: Tattu. Great vibe, great food.
Q: We’ve all made a housemate faux pas before! Would you like to confess to anything?
A: Can I pass?
Q: What’s the last thing you binge watched?
A: Power.
Q: What’s your spirit animal?
A: A snake. Spiritually snakes provide guidance in times of change.
Natasha Trantali: Property Negotiator
Q: Favourite food spot in Leeds?
A: Stockdales of Yorkshire. It’s a great place to get dressed up for dinner.
Q: We’ve all made a housemate faux pas before! Would you like to confess to anything?
A: I once cling filmed our housemate’s bedroom door while she was asleep. It was hilarious!
Q: What’s the last thing you binge watched?
A: Friday Night Dinner. You need to watch it.
Q: What’s your spirit animal?
A: A sloth because I’m far too chilled and takes me so long to do any general task…when I’m at home. I’m on it at work obvs.
Let’s hope your housemates aren’t as cheeky as this lot (we don’t even want to know what Alistair did…)!
On the lookout for your next student gaff? Head into our Hyde Park office and have a conversation with one of these guys, now that you’ve got to know them a bit better. Or give us a call on 0113 220 0040.
This post was written by Iqra Amanat