Where we share our tips and tricks, Leeds events, and student advice. All right at your finger tips!
All inclusive best student accommodation Leeds. It sounds luxurious doesn’t it? Well it is, but it’s a luxury you can afford. It saves you time, money, and potentially a lot of disagreements....
Read More...2015-12-01
When you hear the phrase “all inclusive student living” what comes to mind? A hotel-style buffet with all the food you could ever imagine for breakfast? Not having to pay for any of your bills? We’re....
Read More...2015-11-08
We are proud to announce that rentinc has won the Bronze medal in the Sunday Times Lettings Agency of The Year award 2015! Held this year at the Lancaster London hotel, The Lettings Agency of....
Read More...2015-11-08
Returning to a working routine after a break can be hard enough at the best of times, however, the long Christmas break makes it that extra bit harder to get back into work mode. For many students in....
Read More...2015-11-01
There are so many choices when it comes to student housing that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Do you go stay in student accommodation, do you rent a place from your mate’s Dad or do you go through a....
Read More...2015-11-01
10 years ago choosing your ideal university and course was far more simple than it is these days, you picked a course based on the subjects you were most successful at whilst at school, you picked....